We return to Sword Saints RPG and delve into its new Superfantasy framework through character
creation with self-created demigod of swords, Dream in Blood's superpower system that encourages
creative problem solving. The game offers an omnitropic dystopia based on Cage where the Autarchs
rule a sprawling cage known as the Omniscience Prison at war against their prisoner and player
characters who change over time losing memories while gaining new ones to start again with each
Shattered moment, creating different bodies for themselves that fight in battles between life forms
like vampires. The setting is light-weight based on 6 sided dice pools where players can gain or
lose these powers depending upon the character's actions during gameplay and a science fantasy
dystopia inspired by familiar tropes but also brings surprises to surprise gamers with its own
twist, while full details are found in the NEOLOGY book. The Book of Cage serves as an introduction
guide for new readers on setting information before starting adventure scenarios or other content
pieces can be added such as character sheets and more coming soon updates when available via their
website or social media pages like Twitter where Sword Saints RPG is currently a trending topic
among fans, sharing sneak peeks behind-the-scenes of the game development.
5.00 (from 9 reviews)