If you enjoy the idea of including characters and organizations from (the OTHER major semi-popular science-fiction exploration based series of television programs), then this might be just the micro-supplement for you, to include in your Lawman group. Brandishing such outlandish concepts as 'Education', "Smarts", "Superior Technology" and an "Enlightened post-scarcity possessionless nightmare society focused on the exploration of self and the stars" or whatever - the Stellar Exploration League is a group of real so-and-sos who think they have the gumption to interject themselves into your best fights and arguments with their 'elevated status' and 'diplomatic reasoning' and the like. The Lawman Supplemental FilesĀ are a series of small, illustrated, 2 BW page front and back foldouts (included as a readable PDF and a printable 2 pager) that include new character concepts, historical writeups, an archetype, and a few plot seeds to introduce into your Lawman game - all for the low, low price of a buck.
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