This is an article about a fictional religious sect that worships death and nature in their ancient
city called Mörkbergen (also known as Moorkh). The story follows the journey of two adventurers who
visit this magical world to seek out secrets hidden within its ruins. They discover mysterious
artifacts, encounter terrifying creatures from another plane, uncover dark knowledge about a long-
forgotten civilization that built it and more importantly learn how their belief system evolved over
time thanks in part to an ancient prophecy foretelling "the death of God" which the sect believes
led them down this path. The article is written by Rugo Kohn with art provided by dead people,
edited by Walton Wood who runs a publishing house called Exaltéd Funeral Productions and Mörk Börg
was produced under their Third Party License license from Ockulkt Örtmästarre Games. The story
focuses on the adventurers' journey to this mystical world where they uncover hidden secrets, face
terrifying creatures that dwell in its ruins as well as dark knowledge about a long-forgotten
civilization which built it all thanks to an ancient prophecy foretelling "the death of God".
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