Mist City, a mysterious town where justice prevails in the 21st century without any feathers.
Ordinary people remember their past victims of injustice and rise to assist with carrying up heavy
loads on steep hills by Justice Officers from Mist City! A complete game context is provided for
players who enjoy storytelling or narrative-based games like Portal 2 or FTL: Faster Than Light,
where you will learn more about how the system works. The next step involves finding a working copy
of this document and going through it to find ways to correct injustices such as Punishherr or
Rorschach! Don't hesitate to leave me an in-depth report on any games that can help restore justice
for Mist City's victims! Additionally, there are also downloadable helpers including ZipFile which
assist all the tables you manage and generate your own creations without having to search.
5.00 (from 1 reviews)