Born from a Bloody Film is an OSR-inspired supplement for Mörk Borg's RPG game set in the pit where
monsters are born. It features four new creatures inspired by horror movies such as The Thing (Dréad
Eater), Selves (Thief of Selvess), and Body Snatchers, among others that can be used to add terror
into your games' plotlines or encounters with other players/nPCs in the game world. It is available
for purchase on DrivethruRPG as a PDF file but also offers free community copies upon every payment
made through this article's affiliate links and those struggling financially via social media
platforms such as Twitter, Instagram, Facebook pages under @ATypicaFaux or ATypical Faux
(@AttypicaLfaux) for direct access.
5.00 (from 8 reviews)