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Màscares i Glocks
MASKS & GLOCKS [CAT] Que què és Màscares i Glocks?! Doncs es tracta d’un petit joc de rol on les jugadores interpretaran a gent normal i corrent en una ciutat normal i corrent... Bé, això no és del tot cert, fa uns dies veu rebre una maleta, i al seu interior hi havia una màscara i una pistola. I des de llavors tot ha canviat, ara sou agents de P.A.T.R.O.N. una empresa bastant críptica que de tant en tant us demana que dugueu a terme qualque feineta... [ESP] ¡¿Qué es Máscaras y Glocks?! Pues es un pequeño juego de rol donde las jugadoras van a interpretar a gente normal y ordinaria en una ciudad normal y ordinaria... Bueno, eso no es del todo cierto, hace unos días recibisteis una maleta, y dentro había una máscara y un arma. Y desde entonces todo ha cambiado, ahora sois agentes de P.A.T.R.O.N. una empresa bastante críptica que de vez en cuando os pide que realicéis algún trabajito...  [ENG] Coming soon...
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06 May 2021 @ 15:16
19 May 2021 @ 20:01
If you like Heist RPG check out...
BROKEN LUCK - a Troika zine   - rpg zine
Iron & Lies   - Grab a blade and sharpen your tongue in this 117 page game of fae danger.
Space Train Space Heist   - A high-octane, single session, 3-5 player GM-less, Forged In The Dark, goof of a game about space robbing a space train.
The Drain   - An Occult Mothership Funnel
OCCULTEAS   - Build your shop, make tea, do witch stuff.
THERE IS A GOBLIN ON THE LOOSE IN ICARUS STATION - a goofy horror adventure for Mothership 1e   - A pamphlet module of goofy and fantastical creature horror for Mothership 1e
We Are But Worms: A One Word RPG   - A One Word RPG
Hexcrawl Sheets   - Printable Hexcrawl Sheets for your tabletop RPG games
The Frost Papers - Ten Games to Play in the Dark   - "The Ouija Board of Roleplaying Games"
Doskvol Breathes   - A downtime expansion of character-focused minigames for Blades in the Dark
Sci-Fi Random Tables   - Sci-Fi TTRPG random tables
Recluse   - A solo rpg engine
If you like Cracker Barrel Has Fallen check out...
An Altogether Different River   - A GM-less storygame about returning home and grappling with what has changed
Far From Home   - A game about immigrants and outsiders
Homebound   - An anthology of games about home and going away
Ithaca in the Cards   - A blackjack-driven story game of doomed travelers
Lowcountry Crawl 1.5   - A Southern Gothic Tabletop RPG Supplement
Branching Streams   - A supplement of additional game seeds and hacks for An Altogether Different River
The Cloister   - A two player storytelling game about the last hour of a long journey home
I Know My God   - a solo journaling rpg about finding yourself
Liminal Horror   - A Modern Horror TTRPG
Locus   - Personal Horror Roleplaying game.
Spectres of Brocken   - A tabletop roleplaying game about making friends and then years later going to war against them in giant mechs.
Evil Risen   - A zombie survival-horror RPG with unkillable enemies
If you like The Blood Must Flow check out...
Heaven Has No Taste; And Other True Statements   - an immortal coming-of-age story of belonging outside belonging
Curse of the Alta Silva   - Can you survive the night?
Sunset Kills   - Buffy and Charmed meets PbtA
Telling the Bees   - A storytelling game about the year in the life of a small, farming community, as told to the town's bees.
Rennasistance: The Rough Cut Edition   - Music is Magic. Revolution is Liberation.
While We Wait for Death   - While we wait for death to arrive, we tell stories about when they didn't show up.
VULTURES   - Simple sci-fi bounty hunter ttrpg!
Told By Starlight   - A storytelling game about drawing constellations and creating mythology
The Festival of Deep Winter   - A storytelling game about tradition, intimacy, and comfort.
Her Odyssey   - A solo journaling RPG about a wanderer trying to return home - or find a new home.
LaMía   - A game of love and sacrifice.
You Will Destroy Something Beautiful   - 200wordrpg. The things you break will break you.