This adventure provides an opportunity to explore ruins with hidden secrets inside them and uncover
ancient technology that can be used by those who know how it works but the cost of such discoveries
may not always end up being worth their while, as some will only lead down a dangerous path.The
quest involves going into remnants left behind after discovering what appears to have been an
enormous metallic golem lying on its side near an old riverbank in your home region; the creature
was created by powerful magic and is said that it holds within itself something of great power,
possibly even able to grant certain individuals a magical boon. The group must retrieve this
precious gemstone from inside before anyone else does so they can make their fortune or be forever
cursed for attempting such an act in which there may not always end up being any reward at all but
instead lead down dangerous paths that have already resulted in some having lost everything and been
forced to flee the region.
5.00 (from 1 reviews)