Welcome, fellow gamers! Kingdom Roll - The Dynasty Forge Game has arrived in the world of Pen &
Paper gaming with an exciting and fun-filled adventure ahead of you where we will roll dice like
never before to create a strong kingdom that can stand tall.Kingdom Roller is set for easy
playability while maintaining complexity within gameplay, as well creating stunning visual effects
through artistic design inspired by classic art techniques such as oil paint or acrylic paintings on
canvas paper material which allows the player pieces to be colored and then added onto their game
mat in strategic placement using a special attachment mechanism that will make it easier.Kingdom
Roll is also designed for solo play, although some additional players can greatly enhance gameplay
with team-building elements where one person takes charge of creating all characters while another
focuses on maintaining relationships between them by giving rewards and benefits to allies as well
providing new rules which have not been seen in the game before such as having specific dice rolls
come up instead of random numbers or adding special effects like rolling for a weapon that can be
used only once per match.
5.00 (from 2 reviews)