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Whispering City
Choose from one of 6 classes and plan out your heist. But be careful one among you may not be who they seem. Form your team, plan your heist, and escape with the riches.
5.00 (from 3 reviews)
18 November 2021 @ 01:17
These games are similar to Whispering City ...
A Dirty World   - A Film Noir Tabletop RPG
Hard Case   - Solo RPG Noir
B'town Beak-tectives   - Seagull noir RPG
Magic & Misdeeds   - GM-less game about magicians who commit a wide range of crime
Carnelian Riddle in the House of Indolent Blooms   - A pamphlet heist for Troika!
SABOTAGE   - A game of loose cannons, car chases, and bad muthas
NUIT   - jeu de rôle à jouer dans le noir
STAT HEIST   - go on a heist to get more stats
Time To Drop   - a time loop heist game.
LOVECRAFT IS DEAD   - A short Ctulhu noir role-playing game
Partners   - One's a real straight shooter. The other's a total wild card.
Scene Thieves   - A Theatrical Heist RPG
Whispering City is similar to...
SABOTAGE   - A game of loose cannons, car chases, and bad muthas
HARD WE BOIL   - procedural police procedural
Café Solo   - Module solo pour Café Noir
Birb Brains   - A One-Page TTRPG About Hard-Boiled Detectives in the Big City.
24 Hour Crime Scene   - A Crime-Solving Tabletop RPG
Partners   - One's a real straight shooter. The other's a total wild card.
B'town Beak-tectives   - Seagull noir RPG
CRIMEWAVE   - Rules for Noir Role-Playing
A Particular Group of Corvids   - A mystery & action game for a group of supernatural two-fisted bird sleuths
El último detective   - Juego de rol sencillo para un DJ y un jugador detective (o más de uno)
Gunmetal Sonata   - Millenial monster hunters and dice poker anime showdowns.
Psychomeurtre   - Les meilleurs des profilers contre les pires des serial killers.
If you like A Note In Time check out...
Grandpa's Farm   - A Letter-Writing RPG
Village Witch   - A solo journaling game about a witch finding a home.
Epistolary   - A letter-writing RPG about investigating mysteries.
La Bête: A Solo Game   - You are a monster. Survive.
Anamnesis   - A solo tarot game about discovering yourself after memory loss
Letters that Will Never Arrive   - A letter-writing game
The Page I Didn't Write   - A solo letter writing game about all the things you can't say
Quill: Letters of the Damned   - MÖRK BORG solo letter-writing supplement for Quill
To Change   - Transformational TTRPG using tarot
Lost Post   - A Lost and Found solo journaling game about the journey of a Lost Letter.
Unreality/Strictness -- The Single-Page Version   - A Six Elements Storytelling Game For 1-2 Players
Sleepaway   - Camp counselors protect their wards from a nightmare monster in this GMless horror RPG.
If you like Short Games Digest: Volume 7 check out...
The Story of a Story   - A Lost and Found solo journaling game, where you play a story as you journey from inception to transformation.
The Wasteland Covenant, a post-apocalypse ttrpg Told by Travelers   - A post-apocalyptic game Told by Travelers
Slayers   - Monster hunting in a cursed city.
Forget-Me-Not: Myosotis   - Create characters from the memories they left behind.
BORP Survival Guide:   - How to survive Undead, Aliens, Monsters and Myths. End of the world survival.
Orizuru: a half-formed thing   - A solo origami game about transforming into a beautiful bird
a loud noise in a quiet place   - A tabletop story game for one or two players about temporary hearing loss
EMERGE8 SRD   - For TTRPGs you design as you play.
WuDe   - Shared Narratives taken to the next level
ghostbox   - a solo epistolary TTRPG about an abandoned postbox
Exclusion Zone Botanist - A Solo Drawing Game   - A solo botanical sketching hex crawl game.
Short Games Digest: Volume 2   - We’re bringing you 21, count ‘em, new games!  We’ve got games for everyone in here, of all sorts of styles.
If you like What We Give To Alien Gods check out...
Mothership: Dead Planet   - A violent incursion into the land of the living. The first module for the Mothership Sci-Fi Horror Roleplaying Game.
Mothership: Player's Survival Guide   - A Sci-Fi Horror RPG
The Mole on PIRAD ONE - a corporate horror adventure for Mothership 1e   - Stop (and survive) a corporate mole hidden on a space punk commune in this Mothership adventure pamphlet!!
VOIDTOUCHED: A player class for Mothership 1e   - A class of weird, esoteric space priests for the Mothership Sci-Fi Horror RPG
In the Shadow of Tower Silveraxe   - Fantasy Roleplaying Adventure Module
Moonbase Blues   - A harrowing sci-fi horror TTRPG scenario
The Drain   - An Occult Mothership Funnel
The Third Sector   - A Mothership Sandbox Campaign
Mothership - Alien Armory   - A collection of bio-punk weapons, armors and equipment compatible with the Mothership Sci-Fi Horror RPG
Picket Line Tango   - A Murder Mystery for Mothership
2400   - Lo-fi sci-fi micro RPG collection
24XX   - A lo-fi sci-fi RPG SRD