Welcome to Realitieldesign's world behind the game! The Signal underlies reality, describing all
things in existence; spies access it for intelligence and superhuman abilities are granted as a
result of their factions fighting over its power. Cortex Prime ruleset powers this action-packed
adventure where Matrix meets Bourne Identity with six operational specialties armed to reshape
realities using numerous programs. A total set of spy game mechanics, 12 factions including complete
rulebooks (no need for the book), and GM advice on running a fun safe gaming experience are included
in Realiydesign's publication as well as NPCs ready-made challenges that will keep your players
engaged while starting their journey with sample characters from this company. A starter adventure
along with artworks, glossary of spy lingo to make immersion easier is also provided for those new
to the world and concepts like reference cards are included in various formats (PDF files) according
to device screens or printed versions that strip out most of an artist's work while keeping black-
and-white printer friendly.
5.00 (from 2 reviews)