
An AI-Powered Search and Recommendation Engine for RPGs

 A collaboration between Loot the Body and visual artist Michael C. Hsiung, Skate Wizards digital pdf  is everything you need for a cool sesh of TTRPG delights with your homies. It comes with the game rules, 4 mini dungeons, links to chapters and search bar for key words. There is also a soundtrack for this game which can be downloaded here: fun! 
5.00 (from 16 reviews)
These games are similar to UPDATED SKATE WIZARD DIGITAL PDF ...
No Landlubbers Allowed!   - Random buccaneers, boats and booty to spice up any high-seas dice game!
C A S S 1 N 1   - A space exploration game for 2-4 players
Novel Story   - A Solo RPG About the Life of a Novel
BROKEN LUCK - a Troika zine   - rpg zine
d36: Issue 1   - A strange zine
The Wretched   - Survive alone in the black
A Torch in the Dark   - A solo dungeon crawling TTRPG
World Maker   - Single player world making game
Runecairn Wardensaga   - Norse fantasy Soulslike tabletop role-playing game
Primal Quest - Essentials   - A Weird Stone & Sorcery Adventure Game
Nasty, Brutish, and Long   - An RPG about Class and Revolution
Our Innermost Thoughts   - a mostly-solo zine of small RPGs
Illuminated!   - A Chapter Crawl Exodus
Soft Focuses   - You are an alternate version of yourself. You have ADHD.
Knave - Zine Format   - A reformatted version of Knave that you can print, fold, and staple into a beautiful zine.
Curated TTRPG collections   - Links to collections I keep, and even collections by other itch creators!
EXILES (Beta)   - The Beta version of EXILE.
How to Start Making Games   - A short essay on how start making games for free! (with template links)
Cat Empire Zine   - A zine version of the Cat Empire TTRPG, this time with artwork!
Scopicity [Legacy]   - New Version Available On New Project Page
Link Charts: A Tool for Interstitial   - A organizational tool for tracking Links in Interstitial: Our Hearts Intertwined
Fate Accelerated Edition • A Fate Core Build   - Fate Accelerated, or FAE, is a streamlined version of the popular Fate Core system.
C A S S 1 N 1   - A space exploration game for 2-4 players
Definitely Wizards   - A TTRPG about not being a wizard
If you like Dying in Space check out...
Mothership: A Pound of Flesh   - ...Sooner or later...Everyone pays... A space station toolkit for the Mothership RPG.
Lörd - a MÖRK BORG solo travesty   - Solo roleplaying game of royal genealogy in a MÖRK BORG world
Level Zero   - a ttrpg of debt and dead adventurers
Die, Grave Robber, Die!   - A gothic horror incursion fueled by Trophy Dark!
The Icarus   - An Incursion for Jesse Ross' Trophy RPG.
Raising Hell   - Raise a baby Devil in this solo monster-raising TTRPG!
Vicious Circle   - A Rules-Lite, Rogue-Like Horror TTRPG inspired by the works of Junji Ito & World of Horror.
Rogue 2E   - As if OSR & Storygames had a baby.
Hekpriest   - A Lasers and Feelings Hack about attaining infernal power over all demonkind
The Waiting   - A one page GM-less roleplaying game of suspense for 1 or more players.
Breakup on Re-Entry   - You just discovered your lover is secretly your mech-pilot rival!
If you like GET OUT!! of the Raccoon's city check out...
What's So Rotten About Zombies Defending An Ancient Temple   - Play as the rotten zombies defending your temple
CRASH PANDAS   - You're a bunch of raccoons trying to drive a car.
Keep It Together   - A game about zombies.
Sanduguan   - What if there were zombies during the Philippine Revolution.
Space Samurais   - Light vs. Dark inner conflict Honey Heist style
APOCALYPSE FRAME   - An Illuminated Mecha RPG.
The Waiting   - A one page GM-less roleplaying game of suspense for 1 or more players.
Space Legs v0.9   - Space Legs is a Powered by the Apocalypse game about being the first humans in space
Humans.   - Non-humans dressing up as humans to attend a human party
Scramble Wizards   - A magical Racoon adventure full of chaos and heart.
Ink Transference   - A play by mail game where you learn about humans and emotions
CYBRGAZE   - A Six Player Cyberpunk Game About Getting What You Want