A Greeblin's Journey is a solo journaling game where players play as one-of-a-kind creatures called
"Greeblins" who have become dissatisfied with their lives in the forest and are now on an adventure
of self discovery through travel. The player uses two dice to determine which topic for each entry,
but they also use specific abilities from a list provided by characters representing different modes
(journaling mode) or styles ("storytelling") that can be used within certain timeframes before going
back in the game menu and rolling new prompts on their next adventure journey.The goal of this
project is to provide an engaging narrative for players while encouraging them through journal
entries, creating a personal connection with each character's experiences as they explore different
locations around the world. The player can replay previous adventures at any time or play other
modes using various styles and characters that will keep their experience fresh over multiple
playthroughs without needing additional funding beyond publishing costs to create new content for
players' enjoyment on itchio where game updates, illustrations, maps are published weekly via an in-
game artifact page with the option of printing a physical copy after all major work has been
5.00 (from 15 reviews)