
An AI-Powered Search and Recommendation Engine for RPGs

Juice Oracle
This is a summary that provides an overview or main message about something, 10 sentences long (or less), and focuses on conveying essential information without going into unnecessary details
5.00 (from 15 reviews)
These games are similar to Juice Oracle ...
Fantasy Town Oracle   - Oracle tables for solo tabletop RPGs
Superstition   - You are an oracle, a greenseer, and a fraud. Superstition is a "ritual-creating" solo journaling rpg.
a dying structure   - a tiny solo ttrpg
Lilliputian: Adventure On the Open Seas   - A Tiny Game of Huge Adventure.
Pangolin Pianist   - A tiny solo journaling game
The Soothsayer's Deck   - A Tabletop Oracle For RPG Play
MAPPING the CATACOMBS ZINE   - A complete single-player Catacomb Crawl!
What's So Cool About Hulijings?   - A tiny little system for playing heisting tricksters
Chronoracle   - A solo rpg oracle using only a stopwatch
Electric Bastionland   - A complete roleplaying game. Go deeper Into the Odd as a treasure hunter with a failed career and a colossal debt
Under The Floorboards   - A game about tiny people in a giant, hostile world.
M.O.R.G.   - Minimalist Oracle Roleplaying Game
Juice Oracle is similar to...
Fantasy Town Oracle   - Oracle tables for solo tabletop RPGs
The Soothsayer's Deck   - A Tabletop Oracle For RPG Play
Random Realities   - An oracle zine with 60+ results per page for your solo and GM-less RPG
Under Secret Skies   - A tiny tabletop RPG
Wight-Box: Original Medieval Fantasy Adventure Campaigns   - Complete 0e rules
BTaylor’s Incredibly Derivative Tiny Oracle   - A Tiny Oracle to facilitate solo play of your favorite tabletop RPG’s.
Maus Astrologus   - A tiny Mausritter adventure about mice seeking an oracle.
MiniGLoG   - A Tiny OSR
Dungeons & Wallets   - Tiny RPG in a Wallet
Interplanetary Dinner Party   - A tiny tabletop game.
Chronoracle   - A solo rpg oracle using only a stopwatch
The Oracle   - Simple, Card-based RPG Oracle
If you like Phanta check out...
Hungry Gnolls Eat the Rich   - A rules-lite RPG of chaos and community
Red Snow - the first encounter   - Solo, survival horror,  writing game
Do Not Let Us Die In The Dark Night Of This Cold Winter   - A TTRPG mini-game about surviving a hellish winter season.
FURIOUS ROADS - Minimal Post-Apocalypse   - Enjoy fast and frenzied action while you strive to survive in a desolate wasteland.
Heroic Tales   - A rules-lite Fantasy RPG
They Mostly Come At Night   - A solo survival horror game based on The Bear Comes At Night.
The Sundered Land   - 5 Games set in the Sword & Sorcery Ruins of the future
What Lies Within   - A Survival Horror Table Top Role Playing Game
Breathless - System Reference Document   - An SRD for creating Breathless games.
in pitch we are preserved   - a one page survival game for one or more players
The Mansion Incident – A Solo Survival Horror TTRPG   - Solo dungeon-crawling TTRPG inspired by the greatest zombie-themed survival horror game series of all time
Down We Go   - A Rules Lite Old School Fantasy RPG
If you like Beam Saber: The Dracula check out...
The Wellspring: A Beam Saber Playbook   - A  beam saber playbook about being a source of growth and abundant life in a world ravaged by war
The Watchpoint   - A Mission Control playbook for Beam Saber
The Grifter   - A terribly untrustworthy playbook for Beam Saber.
The Breach Walker: A Beam Saber Playbook   - A timeloop mech pilot playbook for Beam Saber
The Clown   - A Good-Humored Playbook for Beam Saber
The Starbreaker: A Beam Saber Playbook   - A playbook about wielding a dangerous arcane power for Beam Saber
Rearguard   - Five revolutionary playbooks for Beam Saber
The Luminary   - A brilliant and well-connected scientist for Beam Saber
THE HORRORS OF WAR   - A collection of playbooks for Beam Saber inspired by horror fiction.
The Giantkiller   - An Anti-Mech warrior playbook for Beam Saber.
The Chrysalis   - a playbook for Beam Saber
The Sarcophagus   - A playbook and an atrocity for Beam Saber