My last FIST scenario, THE CLAUDIA CONTINGENCY, is a mini-campaign centred around exploring the loss of innocence and adjudication of duty shared by the Peter Pan and Dracula stories. "Tuesday Night at the McCormick House", a soft sequel, is my take on werewolves.
The players find themselves temporarily manifesting "NPCs" accidentally embroiled in a multilayered home invasion that promises to turn violent at any moment. The setup is tailored to push themes of "liberation through disassociation of the self" contrasted against "the inability to ever truly abdicate personal responsibility", and to explore how monstrous players will allow themselves to become when they think their PCs are immune to consequences.
Werewolf stuff.
Content warning : Endangerment of families, violation of the sanctity of Real Property, targeted sadism, loss of agency (mild), inter-party conflict (potentially)
Postscript: If you want more werewolf stuff for FIST, be sure to check out Unseen Librarian's 'Agents of B.O.O.' and Kumada1's W.O.L.F.
5.00 (from 3 reviews)