Pssssst... Pssst... shhhh over here. By finding this super-secret bookmark you... yes YOU are being recruited to become a Ninja. Well, once you pass the Stealth Training. We can't let just anyone who finds a bookmark in after all...
Start at the top and make your way through the FOUR TRIALS OF THE NINJA. (I'm not shouting... Ninjas never shout) If you do not succeed, try again. Being a Ninja takes rigorous persistence! When you succeed at mastering a trial move to the next.
Can you complete all of the trials and earn the right to use the hashtag #ABookmarkToldMeImANinja?
The folded version includes 3 bookmarks per page, and the double-sided print includes 6 bookmarks per page. They're 2"x6" either way :D
3.00 (from 1 reviews)