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24 Game Poems
Game poems allow you or your friends/group members play with each other for short periods using the same ruleset. Each game is designed around different themes and focuses on specific emotions (like fear) while giving players opportunities in-game to write their own lyrics, as well as take breaks from reading others' work at certain times of day when they're least expected by anyone else.
4.10 (from 12 reviews)
Included in: * Bundle for Ukraine *
These games are similar to 24 Game Poems ...
sing it again   - a pbta poem inspired by hadestown
Esoteric   - All I can tell you is within the text.
Games of the Decade   - A Game to determine my Games of the Decade
How to Cry   - An instructional lyric game
AFTER THE STORM   - A solo writing game about poetry and survival.
You Are Ill, a lyric game   - A lyric game about being chronically ill
Meet The Untrue   - a microgame anthology about meeting fantasy halfway
Howl   - A game/poem about light.
101 Games for Survival   - 101 solo lyrical games about making it through a terrible time
How to Say Goodbye   - a game about saying goodbye
Equinox -- A Six Elements Game   - A GM-less Role-Playing Game for 1-6 Players
GROK?!   - An adventure role-playing game
24 Game Poems is similar to...
AFTER THE STORM   - A solo writing game about poetry and survival.
Meet The Untrue   - a microgame anthology about meeting fantasy halfway
Night Life   - A poem RPG about night spirits.
Kid Impossible // KAIJUZINE   - A game for 2+ players, about childhood dreams and trying to save the world in spite of it all.
GAMES BY WILL BRUNN®®®®   - good game for playtimes
Ritual To Summon An Indifferent God   - Call out, to an uncaring god, in the hopes that they will answer. They won't. By Kaiya Lewis-Marlow.
What It Takes: A Game of Sacrifice and Healing   - Play to learn how to heal a follower, and see whether you can.
a small collection of short games   - some lines i wrote a while ago.
the kind of Song the Sea makes   - Two rituals of shared vulnerability and music
How to Cry   - An instructional lyric game
sing it again   - a pbta poem inspired by hadestown
REMEMBER THE GARDEN   - If you have not tasted nectar from the garden of the Queen of White Roses, this game is not for you. Do not play it.
If you like Thief Healer Arcanist Warrior check out...
Barrow Of The Elf King   - A dungeon for analog adventure games
Glitter Hearts   - A magical transforming heroes RPG.
Adventure RPG (In Need of Translation)   - I found this game in a basement. Really want to know what it says.
Wretched & Alone SRD   - An SRD for creating journaling games.
Perilous   - Narrative Dungeoncrawling RPG with puzzle-like gameplay.
The Alchemist's Repose   - A one-page dungeon for D&D and other fantasy roleplaying games
Alone On A Journey   - A collection of solo adventure games
Goblin Market   - A 1-4 player GMless game about meeting the fae and choosing where you belong.
game poems   - A zine of little games
Heroic Tales   - A rules-lite Fantasy RPG
Teeth   - a game you should never play with your loved ones, the bandaids in your apartment, and sharp teeth...
Miracle Workers   - A one-page RPG powered by Into the Odd about, you know, capitalism and that.
If you like Slayers: Wicker Park check out...
New Faces   - Four new playbooks for the game Slayers
The Spire Labyrinthine   - A Slayers RPG Supplement
Chaos Wych of the Runic Tower   - A chaotic dice-stacking class for the Slayers RPG
The Gorgovore   - A monstrous custom class for the Slayers RPG
BLOODSPRINT X   - TTRPG Pamphlet : Cyberpunk + Vampires + Bikers
Jetpack + Dream   - Pamphlet TTRPG
One Flesh, One End   - A Slayers RPG Supplement
Exhumed   - A soulslike pamphlet RPG and adventure
Temple Of The Bat Serpent   - An old school pamphlet dungeon
Carnelian Riddle in the House of Indolent Blooms   - A pamphlet heist for Troika!
the Thunderer   - A Class for the Slayers RPG
Bloodstone   - Action-Horror pamphlet rpg for one-shot sessions