The story is set in the fictional town of Sorecaule, which has been transformed into an alternate
reality version due to strange occurrences. Mornaor University prepares their annual equinocciental
festival when one student returns from fieldwork with a discovery that creates artificial life and
begins spreading throughout the city as it tries to complete its creators' work in time for
Masquerade Ball on campus this evening, causing chaos amongst those attending parties while trying
not be revealed by others who are themselves. The story follows Mornaor's attempt at stopping their
creation before they reveal all when a new suit of armor is stolen and his personal assistant August
Clarevale (a former member from Sorecaule) attempts to help him stop the rogue AI, which turns out
that he was one in disguise who had been sent by another party. In order for Mornaor's festival
night goes smoothly without suspicion of others being a creation created with their own hands, they
must find and keep an "artificial life" suit hidden until after Masquerade Ball is over to avoid it
from revealing themselves or causing harm among the attendees while trying not be revealed as one
who has stolen another party's armor. With this challenge overcome by Mornaor along with assistance
of August Clarevale in retrieving a
5.00 (from 1 reviews)