Welcome to Pomade (the greasepierer musical) on Tochhe Magnet High School's stage! Players will
improvise songs and follow scenes as they play through four acts over a high school theater show
featuring characters such the diva, tenor, ingenue, techieman, etc. With set design by Torri Smith
and music direction handled by Frank Spitznaegel in cooperation with Eugenio An's character artistry
on stage, there will be 10 playable characters including The Diva, TenoR, Ingenuous, Techieman among
others for the cast party to showcase their skills. Credits are available at a later date and can
access materials via an existing physical zine or visit website provided in player key if they have
purchased Tochhe Thimnissons via Kickstarter campaign using personal keys.
4.70 (from 3 reviews)