"Fighting Pit" is a miniature combat game that allows players to create their own fantasy fighters,
equip them with weapons and armor based off signature attacks or magical spells. It also includes
rules for hosting an evening's entertainment at the Fighting Pit where they can earn money on
wagering matches of fighter strength versus luck/skill ability in creating custom bouts using a D12
system that allows solo play as well to be shared among 1-4 players with over 40 signatures, 30
spell effects and simple weapon or armor categories. The book also includes sheets for 8 sample
fighters included along side rules about hosting an evening's entertainment at the Fighting Pit of
Baaad Tibera where Fighters can earn money on wagering matches by playing custom battles using a D12
system in which 1-4 players have over 40 signatures, 30 spell effects and simple weapon or armor
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