The story follows a young girl named Mia who is struggling with her powers as she navigates the
challenges and expectations that come from having superhuman abilities in modern society,
particularly when it comes to being queer or questioning their sexuality themselves. The plot
focuses on three individuals - Alexi (a transgender activist), Sarah (an ally of LGBTQI+ rights) and
an ordinary girl named Mia who is not like other MetaHumans they've encountered before- all
struggling with the consequences that come from having powerful abilities in a world where being
different can have serious repercussions.
The main plot revolves around Alexi's work as he
navigates legal challenges to gain access for his transgender clients, Sarah and her family whose
daughter is denied medical treatment due to their religion while suffering because of same-sex
attraction (SSA), and Mia who faces the stigma associated with having supernatural abilities despite
being just like everyone else in most ways. The story also explores a world where superheroes are an
integral part of society's perception on what makes someone special, but it ultimately comes down
that not all MetaHumans live up to their ideals as they struggle through moral dilemmas and personal
relationships while trying find themselves within the superhero community.
Overall, this book is
set in modern-day America where superheroes
5.00 (from 1 reviews)