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Butterfly kisses - System Agnostic | Skyrealms compatible
Leave the dangers of floating islands behind, and join the butterfly watchers' club. Our primary objective: the study and observation of butterflies in their natural habitat, the misty seas. We are currently accepting registrations for the next observation season, so come along! It's hardly a deadly activity! Our primary objective: To study these aerial creatures that live and evolve in the clouds between the islands. Learning without breaking the ecosystem. We also want to differentiate species, learn more about their habits and the threats they may represent. Join us, registration is now open !
5.00 (from 3 reviews)
These games are similar to Butterfly kisses - System Agnostic | Skyrealms compatible ...
Rising Tide, a Paragon Playset   - Global Direct Action Ecojustice
After the Accident   - A solo RPG. After an Accident, you are left alone in an isolated place. Draw cards and write your survivor's diary.
Bernpyle Issue #1 | October 2020   - An Unofficial Mausritter Zine
Thálassa   - Mythical Age Role-Playing Game
Steelweaver's Rebellion   - An unofficial Blades in the Dark module about class warfare, coalition-building, and revolution.
Into the Odd Character Sheet   - Unofficial character sheet for the Into the Odd RPG
Exquisite Biome   - A game of speculative biology
Héros d'Argile Renaissance   - Protéger ceux qu'on aime
Qidan : le Tigre et le Dragon (v2)   - Un jeu de rôle de sabres et d'aventures, tiré de Lasers&Feelings
Koriko: A Magical Year   - A game of novice witches and teenage drama.
ICHOR-DROWNED   - An unofficial supplement for HEART: The City Beneath
Sonja et Conan contre les Ninjas   - Un jeu de rôle pour créer des histoire épiques dans l'esprit des pulps et série Z
Butterfly kisses - System Agnostic | Skyrealms compatible is similar to...
Coded Comms   - System agnostic code based on real Amateur radio and Morse Code.
Reflections in Tears   - A brochure adventure for FIST set in Kowloon Walled City
Jouer un personnage   - Jouer un personnage de jeu de rôle, une aide de jeu
Hogwarts: Le JDR   - Un jeu de rôle de mystère et de magie à Poudlard !
Démons & Damnés   - Mini bac à sable boschien pour jdr old school
La Route du thé   - Un jdr solo de thés réconfortants et de chemins croisés
Les fantoches   - Jeu de rôle sans MJ
Vagabonder dans les étoiles   - Un jeu pour incarner des hobos, des et des reines du rails aux prises avec la société et leur passé
We Are Champion   - A competitive TTRPG about an unknowing champion and their patrons.
Please Stay Dead   - La résurrection de ce proche vous pourrit la vie. Gérez efficacement la situation avec ce jeu de rôle horror-pulp !
I'm soooo bored   - Be careful, trying to sell your games at home might be boring!
The Skittish Dragon and the Storm Wardens   - A Skyrealms Compatible Adventure
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Wanderhome (Full PDF)   - A pastoral fantasy tabletop RPG about traveling animal-folk and the way they change with the seasons.
Far From Home   - A game about immigrants and outsiders
Molotov College   - Super-powered Misfits Resisting the Doomed Future
Nasty, Brutish, and Long   - An RPG about Class and Revolution
Burnout Reaper   - a cruel and gory cyberpunk ttrpg
Village Witch   - A solo journaling game about a witch finding a home.
Venture & Dungeon   - two tabletop roleplaying games with a new perspective on the traditional high fantasy genre.
Your Care Is...: A Wanderhome Supplement   - A collection of playbooks for Wanderhome
venture   - a game of introspective heroic fantasy.
Feathers   - a slice-of-life game of fallen angels and Belonging Outside Belonging
Village Witch Post   - A postcard game for a witch writing letters about her new home.
Anomaly   - A Game About A Supernatural Investigation
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BLOODSPRINT X   - TTRPG Pamphlet : Cyberpunk + Vampires + Bikers
cryptkeeper   - the crypt broke again; better go reboot it
Vampires & Claymores   - A game about vampires, self discovery and  insanity
Supertables   - A compact yet prolific superpower generation tool
The Sun's Ransom   - a gmless ttrpg where you play vampires restoring the sun
Lay On Hands SRD   - A System Reference Document for Lay On Hands
THE MARTIAL CULT of BLOOD KNIGHT GAIUS   - a gothic horror/martial arts OSR adventure
When I don't think, I'm fine   - an existential crisis zine
Tragic Castle Obsession   - Vampires! Vampires! Vampires!
Furyya   - An adventure of vampires and cyberpunk dystopia ?
Crowns RPG, OSR Fantasy   - An OSR ruleset that is compact, light, punchy, and is easily hackable
Sworn In Blood   - a supplement for Vampires & Claymores
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This Game Takes Place in Your Home Town   - A horror rpg for two players
Breakfast Cult   - A game about school days and the end of days.
Unspeakable: A Game of Unutterable Horror For Two   - A journaling-adjacent word game for the end of the world, guided by tarot.
Unsummon   - This is a short TTRPG I made.
What REALLY Happened.   - You are the character that was written out of the story.
The Walls Will Swallow You   - Something terrible breathes within the walls of that house.
Mothership: Player's Survival Guide   - A Sci-Fi Horror RPG
The Flash   - An Incursion for Jesse Ross' Trophy RPG.
The Adventurer   - A solo story writing game
Los Arboles   - Mini horror RPG about being lost in the woods
S M I L E   - A game of Sex, Horror, and Dentistry.
Spectrum of Horror   - Tarot Story Games of Horror