The story begins with two characters who have no memories of their past lives and become rangers to
survive in an unknown world filled with dangerous creatures called Ember-Hoorns (who are similar
looking trees), Yiks, Shadowlisters/Howlers etc., where the only safe place is inside massive city
sized Boughs. The players will learn about survival tactics such as building shelter from dead wood
and staying away at night when most of these monsters come out to eat anything they can find in
their way - including people! They may also discover that there are factions within each Bough, all
with unique customs for different reasons which could lead them down new paths. The story will
take the players through various dangers such as getting lost and starving while on a journey or
encountering dangerous creatures like those mentioned above when exploring outside of protected
areas (like going to investigate strange ruins). They may also come across Boughs who can offer
unique services for their friends, but at what cost? Additionally there are many opportunities
with NPCs that have skills in certain trades and the players might be able to earn a place by
becoming an NPC. There will likely not only adventure-wise adventures happening on this world but
also other story elements such as quests given out from Bou
4.90 (from 17 reviews)