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dice. I felt there was an opportunity to treat polyhedral dice the same way we treat playing cards or six-sided dice. So, I set out to develop new FREE games that can be played with minimal pieces outside of the dice themselves.
5.00 (from 1 reviews)
These games are similar to CAMPFIRE ...
Mappa Imperium   - A World Building Print & Play Game
Cozy Town   - A Sweet Community Building Game
The Ground Itself   - A world-building game about places over time
Grasping Nettles   - a storytelling game of building a world through generations
Single Unique Power   - A Cast-Building RPG
The Dungeon Game   - A small dungeon building & crawling game for kids.
Bottled Cities   - a place-building game in a jar
Into the Dungeon: Revived   - Rules for fantastic adventure games playable with paper and pencil and polyhedral dice
What Is Here?   - ‘What is Here?’ is a game about building a myth around a being through a community’s eyes.
VOID 1680 AM   - A solo playlist building game about being a lone voice in the dark.
Pull Over, I Need to Pee   - A world-building game about roadtrips and bathroom breaks
When The Walls Fall   - a setting generator mini game focusing on creating a fallen city from stacking polyhedral dice
CAMPFIRE is similar to...
Session Zero: World Building Edition   - A deck based world building game
Know Your Dice!   - A little zine on math rocks (polyhedral dice) for role-playing games.
The Ground Itself   - A world-building game about places over time
Single Unique Power   - A Cast-Building RPG
Cozy Town   - A Sweet Community Building Game
Grasping Nettles   - a storytelling game of building a world through generations
Yard Builder: A relaxing roll-n-write with curb appeal   - A printable yard-building game for 1 or more players.
Bottled Cities   - a place-building game in a jar
Monochrome Rainbow Libre   - Anti-canon world-building game
Into the Dungeon: Revived   - Rules for fantastic adventure games playable with paper and pencil and polyhedral dice
The Dungeon Game   - A small dungeon building & crawling game for kids.
When The Walls Fall   - a setting generator mini game focusing on creating a fallen city from stacking polyhedral dice
If you like Checkmörk check out...
T-DEF   - A GMless mini-zine game where you pit your troopers against alien invaders!
The God Of Many Faces for MÖRK BORG   - A city crawl pamphlet for MÖRK BORG
Monolith 1: Harvest   - A Mörk Borg zine
MÖRKSWORN   - Conversion rules for MÖRK BORG to Ironsworn!
qvke borg   - An expansion sourcebook for MÖRK BORG
Chess: Two Kingdoms   - A chess based storytelling game for 2 players.
The Vermilion Throne   - A dungeon crawl adventure for Mörk Borg
Pilgrimage of the Sun Guard   - a solo game about quests, temptations, and codes
Treasures Of The Troll King for MÖRK BORG   - A MÖRK BORG sewer crawl adventure
A Feast For A Sphinx   - A small dungeon for Mörk Borg
Babalon's Hangover   - Bestiary for Mörk Borg by third party license
You Know Me Still   - enemies who once loved each other
If you like Lore & Legacy check out...
Dragon Ball Sparking [pour Anime Was a Mistake]   - Un Hack d'Anime was a Mistake pour jouer dans l'univers de Dragon Ball
Green Dawn Mall SRD   - Free SRD of the RPG Green Dawn Mall / SRD gratuit du JdR Green Dawn Mall
Quatre Aventures à plumes   - Quatre aventures pulp et légères pour oiseaux audacieux !
Green Dawn Mall - Première incursion   - Perdez-vous dans un centre commercial infini !
L'Automne des Géants   - Un voyage avec un Géant paisible vers l'hibernation
Creature spotted!   - creature-generator drawing-game
Forged in the Dark (version française - DRS)   - Le Document de Référence du Système "Forgé dans les Ténèbres" en français dans le texte
Le Tyran tombé du ciel   - Une campagne épique et politique pour Dungeon World.
Les Veilleuses   - un jdr pour jouer des esprits végétaux qui veillent sur une forêt
Vagabonder dans les étoiles   - Un jeu pour incarner des hobos, des et des reines du rails aux prises avec la société et leur passé
Paris Gondo - La Magie Salutaire de l'Inventaire (Édition Non-Illustrée)   - Une Méthode Ludique en SIX ÉTAPES pour BANIR DÉFINITIVEMENT L'ENCOMBREMENT!
Morphing (Beta)   - Un jeu de rôle pour jouer du Super Sentaï (Power rangers) !
If you like Superstition check out...
dungeonpunk   - a punk fantasy zine rpg
To keep ghosts alive   - A solo journaling roleplaying ritual about the subjects of our love and how the memory of them will fade in time.
Life on the homestead   - A solo journaling rpg
The Books Were Wrong   - A Solo Sourcebook-Altering Journaling Game
Hibernation Games   - 5 Journaling RPGs for Solo Play
The Devil Would Be Proud (1E)   - A mephistophelic solo journaling rpg
Apex Predator   - A Single-Player Monster Hunt
New Heights   - It is time to begin your journey: new skies, new sights, new shapes to see above familiar ground.
Wretched & Alone SRD   - An SRD for creating journaling games.
Princess with a Cursed Sword   - A solo journaling game
Solstice Grounds   - Explore our beautiful, bizarre national park.
Hexingtide (Early Access)   - Minimalist Monstrous Roleplaying