The Fire Flicker's Between You is a game where two players take on the roles of highly advanced
combat mechs (Mech) and their specialized Pilot in synchrony with completing missions together,
training and spending time together over many days leading up to being sent into battle. ONE-ONLY
YOUNG MAN AND HIS FRIEND: The Mech offers a proposal for his friend's last night before they are
forced to flee from enemy reinforcements arriving on the final day of their mission together as well
as setting them up with an opportunity, allowing others time to escape safely by lighting and
placing candles around campfires. THE FINAL MORNINGS OF THEIR FRIENDSHIP: The Mech reminisces
about his friend's sacrifice for him during training before he has a chance at reuniting with their
platoon in the final moments of this experience together as two friends share stories, light each
other up and watch them escape into safety.
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