
An AI-Powered Search and Recommendation Engine for RPGs

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Can you gather enough of the facts to put together the story? Will your Editor-In-Chief love your story or will you have to make some major tweaks? Can you make enough time to hang out with your friends, sneak a couple of kisses with your crush in and don’t get caught breaking the rules of your school all before your stories deadline? A tabletop role-playing game for a GM and 3 to 5 players. Can you make enough time to hang out with your friends, sneak a couple of kisses with your crush in and don’t get caught breaking the rules or you might become the story, all before your impending deadline. Gather the facts and build your story.
5.00 (from 2 reviews)
If you like MOIST/Talk, a Blaseball RPG check out...
Kobolds and Trench Coats   - You are several Kobolds in a trench coat. Cause mayhem, trick pesky adventurers, and take back your shinies!
Renewal & Riot   - A hopepunk-themed Lasers and Feelings hack for 2-5 players
Parker Simulator   - a journaling game based on everyone's favorite commissioner of blaseball
Scavenge, Inc.   - Lasers & Feelings & Dungeons
Guns & Repression   - A Supernatural-inspired hack of Lasers & Feelings
Magic & Mischief   - Magical kids at a magical school solving magical mysteries!
Ronin   - A samurai cinema RPG inspired by Lasers and Feelings.
The Quiet Offseason   - A hack of The Quiet Year to make it about Blaseball.
CYBER//PUNK   - 1-page techno-noir roleplaying
Swords & Sorcery   - An OSR Fantasy Hack of Lasers and Feelings
Swordquest - Micro Edition   - A One Page Fantasy Adventure Game
Brick Built   - Construction-play Lasers & Feelings Hack
If you like Pax Negotium check out...
The Face of Sul   - The face of a god, mined by the Bargewright Guilds.
Boletariat Revolution   - A Pocket Sphere for the Troika! RPG
Pastel Paradise   - A vacation sphere for Troika!
Cage Match At The Center Of The Universe   - A Never-Ending Arena For the Troika Pocket Sphere Jam
The Black Pit   - A Sphere for Troika!
The Tentacular Club of the Cosmic Kraken   - A strange nightclub inside an inter-dimensional being. People are strange.
The Beast of Adredan   - "A cloud of dense smoke surrounded it, and its eyes blazed like flaming coals."
Sphere? Try Angles   - Spheres are overrated. Try Angles. A Pocket Sphere for Troika!
you're not a better gamer than me   - a troika sphere for hardcore retrogaming
Guys! I Found The Ruined Island Sphere!   - A PocketMod zine for the Troika! Sphere Jam, about a ruined island.
Tiny Beasts in a Vast Forest   - A little Troika! sphere full of little adventures
Working For The Corp   - Descended from the Queen game set in a cyberpunk dystopian future