The story revolves around an underwater city called Underwater City, where mermaids live with their
children (seahorses). The main character is a young girl named Nara who has come to love her mother
more after she becomes ill and needs constant care in the ocean. One night while trying out some new
songs on her guitar at home, she falls into an underwater city called Underwater City through
unknown means of transportation or magic/technology that no one knows about yet!The story follows
Nara as she discovers all kinds of incredible beings living there: mermaids with their children
(seahorses), dolphins who can't breathe air but use oxygen tanks like a diving bell, octopuses and
squid-like creatures in the sea. There is even an underwater tribe where they have lived for
centuries! The story shows how everyone has different needs to survive and communicate on this new
world; it's also about Nara growing up as she helps her mom with all these tasks while trying not to
be too demanding or overprotective of them, which leads the city into a dangerous situation.
Meanwhile, they both learn that being together is much better than never seeing each other again!
5.00 (from 6 reviews)