This text provides information about ThoughtyGames, an interactive storytelling platform created by
the collaborative label of all projects done under the supervision and mentorship of Beau Sheldon
(and others). The website has a blog section featuring interviews with designers like Viincent Baker
and Adrion Thoen. In addition to its online presence through social media platforms such as Twitter
at @ThoughttyGames, Thoughty also hosts events for both creators in their community-driven
initiatives such as "Lumpley Games," which brings together a group of people who love tabletop games
with interviews featuring guests like John W Sheldon and Thomas Novosel. Beau is an important figure
within the gaming world due to his work on Script Change - its ability provides solid communication
tools for designers, enhancing their abilities in communicating their ideas through storytelling
methods. ThoughtyGames' works have been recognized by various publications including Mirror Magazine
with a "B