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Frame Crisis
7 pages. • A great entry point for folks who want to run their own mecha melodrama but are put off by the complex rules or highly abstract resolution systems of most Gundam-friendly RPGs. • Friendly generators to help you cook up adventure hooks and create distinctive armored frames of various power levels.
5.00 (from 2 reviews)
19 December 2021 @ 07:00
08 January 2022 @ 03:45
These games are similar to Frame Crisis ...
Lancer Core Book: First Edition PDF   - The core rulebook and setting guide for Lancer, a game centered on pilots and their mechs.
The Words and Deeds of the Chain of Tlachic   - A system agnostic OSR setting of dwarves and grit
Mobile Frame Zero: Firebrands   - The messy lives of Mobile Frame pilots
Armour Astir: Advent   - Revolutionary mechs and magic, powered by the apocalypse.
Last Sentinels   - Tell the tragic story of a doomed mech pilot protecting their remaining people. 3-4 players.
Gemonology Bussiness Card Version   - Minimalist RPG
THE COMPANY   - Corporate Survival Horror
Cosmogony   - A Minimalist Worldbuilding Wargame
Petrified Sorcerer   - A minimalist dungeon tool for a any system of TTRPG
Free Traders   - A minimalist business card sci-fi RPG
Maharlika RPG   - A technomythical tactical mecha RPG inspired by Filipino Mythology
Hexingtide (Early Access)   - Minimalist Monstrous Roleplaying
Frame Crisis is similar to...
Gemonology Bussiness Card Version   - Minimalist RPG
Thank You For Your Service In A Beige Carpet Box   - A game about the (re)integration of pilots and their warmachines into a post-war civilian society.
Extradimensional Friends   - the stars are alive with the sound of music.
Micro-Mecha: A Lightweight Fighting-Robot RPG   - A pamphlet-sized game for ultra fast mecha action!
Lost in the dark   - Solo Minimalist TTRPG
The War of Glass Setting   - A Beam Saber setting about the ways to tear ourselves apart
P.A.L.E.S.   - A minimalist game for fantasy adventures.
The Press   - A Gang Type for Blades in the Dark
Divinity Fall   - A solo journaling RPG about killing Gods
PROVINCE of TANERAN   - A Hexcrawl for Bastards: Pearlescent Edition
EHPAD :Espiègle - Hilare - Pétillant - Amusant - Décomplexé   - Jeu de Rôle Amateur
Behind the Mist   - Minimalist Fey RPG
If you like White Box Adventures check out...
The Gleeman   - A Class for White Box: FMAG
Tannic   - A pastoral forest adventure for old school roleplaying
3 Kids in a Trenchcoat   - Stuck in detention, it's time to devise a “fool-proof plan” to get out of it 3 kids stacked at a time.
d66 Starting Loadouts for Cairn   - Quick character equipment packages modeled on classic adventure tropes.
C Y B E R S T A L K E R   - In this 2 player card game you play white-hat witches hired by megacorps to hack the opposition
ASCII Dragon!!!   - A Monster for White Box: FMAG
Basement Fucker   - A Solo Game of Sex in the dark
Mount Zorgoth   - A one page rpg adventure.
On Poetic Tides: A Poetry-Prompting Adventure   - A poetry-prompting game about being at sea that uses a standard deck of cards!
Life on the homestead   - A solo journaling rpg
Bad Frog Bargain   - One Page RPG Adventure
If you like LA Hallucination check out...
Boy Problems   - A Carly Rae Jepsen-inspired Cyberpop Heist Tabletop RPG.
The Suburbs   - a diceless, GM-less  TTRPG about teens on the internet
Boy Problems Side-B   - The expansion to the Carly Rae Jepsen-inspired Cyberpop Heist Tabletop RPG.
Twilight Sparkle Wins   - a modifier that can be applied to literally any game
The Seinfeld TV Show   - a comedy/surreal horror ttrpg about nothing
hello world :)   - a conversation game for 2 players about a machine becoming part of the world
Four Tony Hawks and a Skeleton (Who Is Also One of the Aforementioned Tony Hawks)   - a hack of Four Sherlock Holmes and a Vampire (Who Is Also One of the Aforementioned Sherlock Holmes)
Regular LARP   - a LARP for making everyday chores anything but
Draculas Kill the Sun   - the sun is massively overrated tbh
The Digital   - a playbook for Interstitial: Our Hearts Intertwined
The Pony   - a skin for Monsterhearts 2
The Detached   - a playbook for Interstitial: Our Hearts Intertwined
If you like Home - a Zine for TTRPGs check out...
Playing Kindly   - Thoughts on Safety, Solidarity, and Integrity in Analog Games
Village Witch   - A solo journaling game about a witch finding a home.
Travel Journal of Short Tales   - A cozy roleplaying game played with a deck of UNO cards.
The Story of a Story   - A Lost and Found solo journaling game, where you play a story as you journey from inception to transformation.
Wilusa, City Of Chains   - a system-neutral collection of tables for an otherworldly city
Beloved   - A solo journaling game about playing a beloved childhood toy.
The Ground Itself   - A world-building game about places over time
Mr-Kr-Gr   - A river kingdom ruled by crocodiles, haunted by gods. System-neutral RPG adventure setting, inspired by Southeast Asia.
Planar Compass: Issue 1   - A brand new RPG zine to take you brand new places.
Upper Heleng   - A forest with god-guarded borders. System-neutral RPG adventure setting, inspired by Southeast Asia.
Department of Dungeon Prevention   - Safety is not a game.
Moon Elves   - A weird sci-fi setting of a utopian socialist forested moon of "elves" and telepathic trees