Game Title: "THRONE RA T S" (one-page RPG) Set in a medieval world where anthropomorphic animals
rule over their territories, fight off usurpers and try to keep the peace with truces; The system is
d20/d12 rpg based on First Fantasy's World Builder. * Inspired by Maze Rats by QuestiNG Beast Games
(focused D&D) & big Bone RPG from NumbeedWorks: Medieval backgrounds, roles within a medieval
hierarchy and world story-builder tables make the game customizable to players' imagination. The
system also includes d20/d12 rpg inspired by First Fantasy's World Builder with Medieval settings as
well as rules for playing animals in gritty land environments. * Designed & built separately from
Game of Thrones, it is not affiliated or sponsored by any company related
5.00 (from 6 reviews)