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VOIDTOUCHED: A player class for Mothership 1e
Long ago we left behind our natural home and traverse an endless void never meant for us but now it is time to become more like the void that was once in front of you, either continue on this path or be lost forever as a stranger in the dark because all what's known must eventually come to end. To understand why we are Voidtouched requires new explanations and an open mind towards grand mysteries beyond our understanding but don't give up like being voidtouched means losing touch with reality, it is just that you have left behind everything familiar for a future of the unknown where anything can happen in space or time. The Mothership Sci-Fi Horror Role Playing Game (1e) published by Tuesday Knight Games under license from Mothership RPG trademarked and all rights reserved includes four classes: Warrior, Rogue, Scout/Warlock, Sorcerer, and Voidtouched as a class for the player to gain experience in space travel. The game is set on an alien world where war lords compete against each other using their ships filled with unique weapons that they obtained from different parts of galaxy like starships or captured by pirates who found them abandoned after being left behind during unknown time when humans were gone, and now are the only ones remaining until
4.90 (from 13 reviews)
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VOIDTOUCHED: A player class for Mothership 1e is similar to...
1-Bit Mothership   - A lo-fi conversion for Mothership Sci-Fi Horror RPG
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What We Give To Alien Gods   - An adventure module that explores thought, existence, and alien gods for the Mothership Sci-Fi Horror RPG.
Warden's Player Reference for Mothership RPG   - Quickly reference info of up to 5 players for your Mothership RPG game.
Mothership: Player's Survival Guide   - A Sci-Fi Horror RPG
Mothership 1e, Google Character Sheet   - Editable character sheets for Mothership 1e
Welcome to ERF   - A Mothership module
24XX TITANOMACHY   - Weird Cosmic Sci-fi RPG
Mothership - Online Character Sheet   - An online character sheet for Mothership - Sci-Fi Horror RPG
Dying Hard on Hardlight Station   - Die Hard meets Alien in this thrilling escape from a hijacked station, made for the Mothership Sci-Fi Horror RPG.
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