
An AI-Powered Search and Recommendation Engine for RPGs

Emergent Tales
It's that simple. How you use them is up to you, as are the tales you weave, have fun! THE MECHANICS You roll a theme and an aspect of the story.  This means you can incorporate elements of Emergent Tales into any work you wish, even commercial ones, so long as you give attribution.
5.00 (from 3 reviews)
19 February 2021 @ 23:01
These games are similar to Emergent Tales ...
Space Knight   - A class for LIGHT
The Longest Inch   - a game about Worms with a thirst for knowledge.
NOVA   - Pilot mechs in a sunless world, and bring a new dawn.
BEACH EPISODE: No Loves Lost in Halcyon Sands   - A Downtime TTRPG About Rest
My Pride: RPG   - TTRPG roleplaying game with lions!
[ADVANCED FUNCTIONS UNAVAILABLE]   - Bio-locked controls. An untested pilot. A looming battle.
Far As the Sea   - Three games for wandering souls
Chasing the Ace   - A card-prompt storytelling game about mecha pilots caught in the shadow of their legendary squadron leader.
BFB SRD   - A Systems Reference Document for Beak, Feather, & Bone
Head or Tales   - An RPG for anywhere you go!
Sallow-Séance   - A TTRPG of Gossip and Terror...
WINTERGREEN   - A minty-fresh, portable micro RPG
Emergent Tales is similar to...
Space Knight   - A class for LIGHT
The Longest Inch   - a game about Worms with a thirst for knowledge.
Master Hammer of the Swine   - Una aventura OSR con muchos cerdos y mucho oro.
Far As the Sea   - Three games for wandering souls
The Conjurer's Cloak   - a game about the tyranny of magic and how we escape its cage
Markitect   - A rules lite rpg for the visual artist!
Sallow-Séance   - A TTRPG of Gossip and Terror...
[ADVANCED FUNCTIONS UNAVAILABLE]   - Bio-locked controls. An untested pilot. A looming battle.
Wired Mind   - A rules lite Cyberpunk TTRPG
Shadara   - In a world where the sun has gone out, society survives in sacred trees that provide their own light and warmth.
The Black Cat   - NSFW. homicide, suicide
Yearwalker   - a game of a year foretold, played with cards and silence
If you like Into The Infinite Forest check out...
Mappa Imperium   - A World Building Print & Play Game
The Ground Itself   - A world-building game about places over time
LESBIANS BUILT THIS FARM   - & they keep building it
Grasping Nettles   - a storytelling game of building a world through generations
Sacred Forge   - You are not the wielder of the holy sword. You are its creator.
I Have A Vision   - A game about building, building, building...
Fear is Just a Lie   - A world-building journaling horror game  for one player.
Scopicity [Legacy]   - New Version Available On New Project Page
Single Unique Power   - A Cast-Building RPG
AGON   - Heroic action in the mythic age
The Creature Comes for Us   - A card-drawing game for 1+ players. Create a world, a menace to threaten it, heroes to fight it, and then do battle.
Lasers & Feelings   - One page, one-shot, easily hackable rpg
If you like GUILD: Sword and Magick for Hire check out...
Temple Of The Bat Serpent   - An old school pamphlet dungeon
Through The Void   - A Rules Lite Old School Space RPG
DUNGEON SOUL   - Old School Roleplaying in 2400
Sorcery is a Sword Without a Hilt   - Level-less Spells for Old School Roleplaying Games
Tannic   - A pastoral forest adventure for old school roleplaying
Beyond the Burning Teeth   - Dungeon exploration adventure for old school roleplaying
The Budget Bestiary   - Old-school monsters made from found items.
PARIAH vol. 1   - Old School Role-playing in a Young World
The Library Beneath the Sands   - An adventure for the Knave and other Old School RPGs
Wandering Dreams   - A solo storytelling RPG zine of eldritch horror and exploring the unknown.
Weird & Wild: A Travel Generator   - A Two Page Old School Generator for Tabletop RPGs
Roamers of the Dream   - An old school adventure game in the Dreamlands
Wise Women   - A ttrpg about witches using plant magic to protect their community, while having to navigate its prejudices and taboos.
Anamnesis   - A solo tarot game about discovering yourself after memory loss
GUN COWBOY   - A journaling game of dead outlaws.
Elf Genders   - Roll Tables for RPG Worldbuilding
Heroes of Adventure   - Index of Heroes of Adventure releases and community forum
Brinkwood - The Blood of Tyrants - Playtest Kit   - Robin Hood vs. Vampires. Mask up. Spill blood. Drink the Rich.
La Bête: A Solo Game   - You are a monster. Survive.
Keepers of the Cards   - a game of childhood, magic, and friendship
Wild Duelist   - A medieval action ttrpg about animalfolk warriors travelling to violent duels. Illuminated by LUMEN.
Witchery   - A system of magic for tabletop roleplaying.
The Wretched   - Survive alone in the black
VISIGOTHS vs MALL GOTHS   - There are a lot of bisexuals. (ENnie Nominated for Best Writing in 2020!)