This story takes place in an alternate universe where all boys are evil except 5 chosen ones. In
this world girls have no choice but be with a boy or become alone forever after 12 episodes they can
marry whomever they want to at the end of their high school career, and some choose not to date
anyone until that time either because it's better than being single for eternity or just out of
fear/rejection. In this world only 5 girls are allowed access via a special portal known as "Love
Gate" from an alternate dimension while 4 male students can use the same gateway anytime they want,
but boys cannot enter unless their true love is with them there in that realm and it's unlocked by 1
or 2 of those four females who may have to wait until after 12 episodes before marrying whomever she
wants.Title: "Love Gate" - A Story about Gender Dynamics & Empowerment as the Protagonist Finds True
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