The book is called "Venture & Dungeone," which are tabletop roleplaying games inspired by
traditional fantasy RPGs like Dungeons& Dragons that can be played with community copies available
for purchase and donations to increase the availability in communities if desired or asked about
donating more. The game focuses on introspective heroic fantasies, magic-filled forests, looming
castles, champions of shining armor/vagabonds; markets bustling fulls of ill repute authority
figures which are duplicitous authorities as well as uncaring gods above always asking "What do you
do next?" Players embark in adventures through a fantasy world with townspeople and criminals that
they will interact with. The games come together to create stories, characters, settings, conflicts,
themes, moods/emotions or atmosphere of these places which can be played by anyone who is interested
as well the creators Jay Dragon & Riley Rethal
5.00 (from 62 reviews)