
An AI-Powered Search and Recommendation Engine for RPGs

Our Powers Combined!
The power is yours. Just Don't Be Rude. That’s where you come in.
5.00 (from 1 reviews)
These games are similar to Our Powers Combined! ...
Spoken Magic   - A GMless, prompt-based story game about the spells we cast together, and the words we use to weave our magic.
Push SRD   - A story-first, push-your-luck system for your games
Reign of the Star Kings   - Solo Space Opera RPG
Guards At The Nexus Of All Worlds   - Short, light, cooperative TTRPG/improv game about travelling between worlds (no GM, no stats)
The Abyss pushes back   - Supernatural investigations powered by PUSH
Wyrdwood Wand   - Wizardry and roleplaying! A fantasy game and campaign setting focusing on tactical team combat.
LIGHT: Eclipse   - Season 2 of LIGHT. Push back the dark...
Starward   - Sci-fi fantasy supplement for Swords Without Master and Rogue Scroll
Gemonology Bussiness Card Version   - Minimalist RPG
Squad Goals   - A Saturday-morning cartoon style RPG featuring legendary women from around the world.
Interstellar Witches   - Tarot based one shot game about witches, bureacuracy, obsolescence and becoming the unwilling face of an evil empire.
The Queens' Sun   - A Powered by Lesbians adventure supplement.
Our Powers Combined! is similar to...
Relics of Danoria   - A Push-powered fantasy adventure game
Spoken Magic   - A GMless, prompt-based story game about the spells we cast together, and the words we use to weave our magic.
A visit to Mister Murphy's Magickal Potion Shoppe   - A solo journaling RPG set in a potion shop in the middle of the forest.
Interstellar Witches   - Tarot based one shot game about witches, bureacuracy, obsolescence and becoming the unwilling face of an evil empire.
Supernova II   - A Push-powered sci-fi adventure game. Second Mission.
Gemonology Bussiness Card Version   - Minimalist RPG
Zont!   - A cooperative story-telling family game for 1-6 adventurers.
PUSH FIGHT   - All out brawl powered by push
Boar Beasts on a Barbarous Planet   - A Push Powered game of Brutal Survival
Blessed Engines   - A game of Great Vengeance and Furious Anger
The Abyss pushes back   - Supernatural investigations powered by PUSH
New Connections   - A scifi-leaning worldbuilding tool about creating worlds with detail, depth, and relationships.
If you like The Will of Rot check out...
Lost To The Starlit Reptiles   - A pamphlet hexcrawl adventure
In the Shadow of Tower Silveraxe   - Fantasy Roleplaying Adventure Module
The Rot King's Sanctum   - An OSR-style  dungeon module  for levels 1-3
The Electrum Archive - Issue 01   - A Science Fantasy RPG Zine
Into The Wyrd and Wild   - Wilderness Horror Setting for D&D and the OSR
Beyond The Borderlands #1   - A hexcrawl fantasy setting for tabletop adventure games
Hexcrawl Sheets   - Printable Hexcrawl Sheets for your tabletop RPG games
her leylines   - the surreal history of a magical wilderness
Guidebook to the Viridian Maw (Forking Paths #1)   - a system-neutral wilderness setting for any exploration-based tabletop RPG
Hexcrawl Horrors: Random Wilderness Encounters for OSR Adventures   - Ten D100 wilderness encounter tables for Basic Fantasy RPG
Dungeon Goons   - A Classic Fantasy Hack for Tunnel Goons.
Wolves Upon the Coast Grand Campaign   - A 'dark ages' hexcrawl.
If you like CY_OPS issue one check out...
BROKEN LUCK - a Troika zine   - rpg zine
The Lighthouse At The Edge Of The Universe   - you are the current lighthouse keeper in the lighthouse in space
Marvelous Mutations & Merry Musicians!   - a game about post-post-apocalyptic kinda-solarpunk musicians travelling the once-wastelands
The Electrum Archive - Issue 01   - A Science Fantasy RPG Zine
RUNE RPG 2e   - Um RPG de aventura em Runeterra.
Apotheosis Janitors   - a conspiracy of true believers erasing all proof that their deity was once mortal
Rogueland   - A 36 page rules-light, tabletop rpg, with player-facing, roll-high, d20 mechanics. Compatible with other OSR games.
The Words and Deeds of the Chain of Tlachic   - A system agnostic OSR setting of dwarves and grit
CROSSED / FATES   - ​A 2-player role-playing card game about destiny, conflict and facing the harm you’ve done to others
GUN COWBOY   - A journaling game of dead outlaws.
Welcome to the Habitrails   - A solo tarot game about living in a strange and horrific neighborhood
Fox Curio's Floating Bookshop   - Sell books along the River to animalfolk