"Broken Wonders" is a roleplaying game set in medieval fantasy settings, where players take on an
underdog crew of adventurers tasked with defeating terrifying beasts and evil bosses. The rules are
mostly setting neutral but can be adapted to various themes or characters for individual campaigns
as per the player's preference. Each character has unique backgrounds that offer different abilities
and powers based upon their chosen background path in magic paths such as arcane, divine, elemental
etc., while a free-form system is used instead of points based systems typically seen with Blades &
Dark games like Dungeons& Dragons or Pathfinder Roleplaying Games (RPGs). The game also includes
endurance reserves to manage the adventurer's downtime and resources. Endurance reserve can be
soaked up by using special abilities such as magic that restore it, which makes characters feel more
powerful overall in combat scenarios where a single use of these powers would have otherwise been
critical successes if used at higher levels or earlier stages during character development.
5.00 (from 10 reviews)