
An AI-Powered Search and Recommendation Engine for RPGs

Mystic Pin-Up 02
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23 July 2022 @ 20:32
02 August 2022 @ 23:11
If you like Adventure - Harrowshade check out...
Treasures Of The Troll King for MÖRK BORG   - A MÖRK BORG sewer crawl adventure
PALLID JAILOR: A Class for MÖRK BORG   - You are a jailor - far from home on an endless pursuit. For Mork Borg.
Monolith 1: Harvest   - A Mörk Borg zine
qvke borg   - An expansion sourcebook for MÖRK BORG
The loneliness of the Múrmaiden - A MÖRK BORG Adventure   - An adventure compatible with MÖRK BORG
Mörk Borg Solo Rules   - Optional Rules for Mörk Borg
A Council of Cats   - Be Regal. Be Capricious. Be Divine.
Beam Saber   - A TTRPG about pilots and their massive war machines.
The Horde from Beyond - A MÖRK BORG Adventure   - An adventure compatible with MÖRK BORG
The Origin of My Depression - Album Crawl   - An adventure for MÖRK BORG
Babalon's Hangover   - Bestiary for Mörk Borg by third party license
BEstitchARY   - A bestiary supplement compatible with MÖRK BORG
If you like Alchemist's Apprentice check out...
Mappa Imperium   - A World Building Print & Play Game
The Mephitic Laboratory Of The Pescamancer   - A print-n-play pamphlet dungeon
Name this Alchemical Book   - A Sample Chapter of His Majesty the Worm
DNGN FKRS   - a Dice Game
Set a Watch   - A Cooperative Puzzle & Dice Rolling Game
Bad Bad Brew   - Your master is away. Brew the perfect potion or face consequences.
Antiverse Trader   - A solo print-and-play space trading game
Letters in Emerald   - A game of Alchemical Correspondence
FLEE   - Fantasy Location Exploration
Make a Movie - My Business Card RPG   - Succeed as a Hollywood film producer by rolling dice!
Dread Hall of the Rune-Lord   - A print and play one-page adventure
Monster Healer Solo IIDX   - Solo print-and-play dice game about healing monsters
If you like 2d6 Oracle Bookmark check out...
Q2d6 - Quick 2d6   - 2d6, made simple
Portents & Curses of the Prince of Gorse   - A bookmark solo oracle and procedure for Mork Borg
Smithy of Sacrilege   - 2D6 + nostalgia
Any Planet Is Earth   - A six-page, rules-light 2d6 science fiction RPG and sandbox toolkit.
M.O.R.G.   - Minimalist Oracle Roleplaying Game
What's So Cool About Kobolds?   - A bookmark-sized game about Cool Kobolds
Fantasy Town Oracle   - Oracle tables for solo tabletop RPGs
Juice Oracle   - A tiny-yet-complete Oracle for Solo RPG
Lit Fires   - A bookmark game jam game
Recluse   - A solo rpg engine
What's So Cool About Time Travel?   - A bookmark-sized game about time travel.
You Sure?   - A system and an oracle on a single mechanic