The nightmarish Loom is a tool created by three writers - Luis Giméno, Jesús "Capitan
Mordigando del Arco" Marcos Lopez "Bellota", Daniel Fernández – to stimulate creativity and inspire
horror adventure zones. The tables of folk elements offer cultural traditions for players interested
in role-playing solo or creating their own scenarios together as a group. Loom contains lists that
can be used creatively by adding more entries, while the tool itself serves primarily as an
inspiration source with additional content like tales from various cultures to create unsettling
myths and stories within one's mindscape (i.e., "Nightmare of Owls" or "The Curse on Elvii Island").
The storytellers also offer a warning about supernatural beings lurking in certain regions, such the
mysterious Mistress of Rot who possesses an army of foul-smelling frogs that worship her power - and
this document is just one example they create.
4.90 (from 9 reviews)