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UVG 2E: Ultraviolet Grasslands and the Black City
The Ultraviolent Greengrasslands (UVG) 2E RPG, a role-playing game set in an imaginary world where players take on mythical heroes seeking lost time through surreal landscapes of the Dyings Earth genre with psychedelic metal inspirations and Oregon Trail elements. It has expanded content from 200 pages to 252 pages for easier gameplay and additional features such as caravan options, equipment sets like exalts or weapons, a new bestiary section featuring friendly creatures along side dangerous ones in addition to magical animals that appear at times of trouble; the game offers spellbooks with revised spells based on magic-based technology. There are 32 ready-to-run locations available for players and there is also an expanded map covering all parts of Circle Sea region, a more complete oldtech referee screen added as well along other improvements to make it easier for people who play in their local game groups or online gaming communities like those hosted by the Exalted Funeral website.
5.00 (from 10 reviews)
These games are similar to UVG 2E: Ultraviolet Grasslands and the Black City ...
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Stories to Astonish the World   - A pointcrawl RPG inspired by Chinese landscape paintings
Tales' End   - An adventure about reflecting at the end of a journey.
d36: Issue 1   - A strange zine
Mona Rise Megalopolis   - CBR+PNK City Pamphlet with new cutting edge content.
Session Zero: World Building Edition   - A deck based world building game
The Drain   - An Occult Mothership Funnel
Kozmik Objects & Entities   - A collection of strange things and places in deep space
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UVG 2E: Ultraviolet Grasslands and the Black City is similar to...
The Wretched   - Survive alone in the black
HARDCASE   - solo roleplaying at the ass-end of space
Loss of Signal   - Time is short. Space is vast. Can you save this relationship before the messages end?
Solipsis Part I. The Red Lady   - Will you come with me? — To the end of time...
Into the Blind   - Horror, stress and capitalism on the weird edge of analog space
Mona Rise Megalopolis   - CBR+PNK City Pamphlet with new cutting edge content.
HERE / NOW   - Explore time and space through two experimental TTRPGs!
THE SPACE HACK   - Black Hack... IN... SPAAAACE!!!!
Kozmik Objects & Entities   - A collection of strange things and places in deep space
The Whispering House   - Living Houses in a Time of Strange Science
The Dead City of Pyre-Chrypt   - A dead city for a dying world on the edge of the wilderness
SHROOM GOONS   - A "Spore-Core" Fantasy Trip for Weird People.
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