A game for one or more players where the objective is to grow a plant as fast and safely possible
while avoiding unwanted attention from other plants in an unpredictable horticultural environment.
The format combines elements of Darkshire's One-Page RPGs with storytelling inspired by frustration
over being unable to grow additional insipidplants at London Horticultural Show before it became too
late for me, the game designer; I used my own background art and writing skills along with credits
from Mandy J Watson.The Battle Royale At The Cape Town Horticultural Show is a fun One-Page RPG
designed by Wouter van der Mijnschoten that allows players to grow plants in an unpredictable
environment while avoiding unwanted attention or getting pulled into the mud (if selected). This
game was inspired by Oliver Darkshire's work and my frustration over being unable to plant any more
insipidplants at London Horticultural Show before it became too late for me. The credits go to Mandy
J Watson, Affinity Publisher GIMP NotePad Software License Agreement 1.1 software package used in
the creation of this game along with various fonts such as Berkshire Swash and Carliota by
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