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Hell Cabin
HELL CABIN & HILL CABIN are tabletop horror games based in the forests of Maine around 1920-1930 for 4 players that feature unique dice mechanic systems to create an unscripted, GMless experience with a focus on storytelling and collaboration among characters.
5.00 (from 21 reviews)
These games are similar to Hell Cabin ...
The Small Old Kingdom of Somnaire   - System-free pocket zine setting about a strange, mostly dead country
Badger + Coyote Duet RPG   - An asymmetrical, GMLess duet roleplaying game
What's So Cool About Lucha Libre?   - A rules-lite Borderpunk RPG about superheroic luchadores fighting evil for 1 GM and 1+ players.
COURAGE   - A Solo Carta RPG about defeating Evil
Sigils in the Dark   - Solo journaling game and GM supplement.
This Game Takes Place in Your Home Town   - A horror rpg for two players
Ribbons: A Setting Guide for Masks   - Magical girls fighting evil and schoolwork.
Vis-a-visage   - a 2 player, competetive, face swapping ttrpg!
The Scourge   - A rpg about being dead and taking revenge.
GUN COWBOY   - A journaling game of dead outlaws.
Fur One Night Only! - Playbill Edition   - A one-shot party RPG for 3+ fans of musicals and/or cats.
Cyber Castle Digital Dracula   - Asymetrical Dungeon Crawling Action
Hell Cabin is similar to...
West of Apocalypse   - An Asymmetrical Yahtzee-Style Save The World Or Destroy It Game
What's So Cool About Lucha Libre?   - A rules-lite Borderpunk RPG about superheroic luchadores fighting evil for 1 GM and 1+ players.
Badger + Coyote Duet RPG   - An asymmetrical, GMLess duet roleplaying game
Murderous Ghosts   - A roleplaying party game for Hallowe'en or horror fans.
24XX: BREACH   - TTRPG about hunting demons in space derelicts
Where the Sky's as Red as Honey   - The Queen is dead; what's next?
Interview With A Corpse   - One-page RPG where you talk to the dead
Conthulhu   - An Convention of fans and madness
As The Spirits Move   - a zine of the dead and the quick
Bacon Project   - A printable card game  for fans of PVP
Catchy Title Game System   - or CTGS, as it's known by its many fans
Fur One Night Only! - Playbill Edition   - A one-shot party RPG for 3+ fans of musicals and/or cats.
If you like The Fight Job check out...
Birds Love Dirt!   - Be a bird, play in the dirt, have fun
Weird & Wild: A Travel Generator   - A Two Page Old School Generator for Tabletop RPGs
Big Rock Candy Hexcrawl   - A Hexcrawl Inspired by Leftist Folk Music
One Page Lore: Fantasy Folk   - Making folk in fantasy TTRPGs unique & fun to play without racist undertones condensed into one page each
The Witch's Almanac   - A magical game of solo exploration.
A Response to the Esteemed Dr. Crackpot   - A game of academic squabbles for two or more players
Down We Go   - A Rules Lite Old School Fantasy RPG
Temple Of The Bat Serpent   - An old school pamphlet dungeon
Vast in the Dark   - A zine about the exploring dark and alien megastructures of an infinite realm.
Through The Void   - A Rules Lite Old School Space RPG
The Library Beneath the Sands   - An adventure for the Knave and other Old School RPGs
The Selkie Envoy: An Ironsworn Adventure   - An Ironsworn adventure of ice and peril
If you like We, the City check out...
Far From Home   - A game about immigrants and outsiders
venture   - a game of introspective heroic fantasy.
A Visit To San Sibilia   - A solo journaling game about visiting an ever changing city
Venture & Dungeon   - two tabletop roleplaying games with a new perspective on the traditional high fantasy genre.
Your Care Is...: A Wanderhome Supplement   - A collection of playbooks for Wanderhome
Oathbreakers   - Kill the Conspiracy with your Magic
Spire: The City Must Fall RPG   - The city must fall.
Funky Lil Dude: A Galactic 2e Playbook   - A playbook about heart, mess, and being a funky lil dude
i'm sorry did you say street magic   - we breathe life into this city together
Slayers   - Monster hunting in a cursed city.
This Night On the Rooftops   - A TTRPG Zine, Industrial-Fantasy Coming-of-Age
Wanderhome - kit de découverte [FR]   - Traduction française non officielle du kit de découverte pour Wanderhome