This is a low-stakes yet intriguing adventure in which players who are new either to Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy or to TTRPGs in general can work their way through a challenging murder mystery with their friends and have a good time without worrying too much about life-and-death decisions along the way, though their investigators should keep an eye out for the vengeful spirit bent on dragging them out of his estate.
Note that despite this mystery all being an elaborate entertainment experience, other mysteries that investigators may try to solve with the full version of Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy will be very real and feature the threat of death for the investigators and potentially even supernatural forces, just in case this adventure module made you think that Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy is a TTRPG all about escape rooms. The theme of the haunted house is something different every year, but it always has some sort of puzzle element, more akin to an escape room than a traditional haunted house, and there are prize bags of Halloween candy for those who actually complete it within the set timeframe.
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