haven't seen my uncle since the flood (rip?) i found these pages of a monster battle thing(?) in his stuff thohe worked with other people at some games company, wired something... wiredlite or wiredlife maybe, yeah wiredlife? anyway dunno if these pages were a final thing, or like something they were still working oni kinda remember it - maybe i helped him test this when i was little? was that before or after the night terrors.. anyway did this game ever come out even?HELP!does anyone remember GEIST{PACT?did anyone else's uncle work at wiredlife on this? does anyone have any other pages or remember any of the proper coven names or any rules or how to even play this thing?? anyone got any cards? it had tokens i think, and a board maybecomment on this if you know!@
also if you see my uncl hmu
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