Plunderlight is an ambitious roleplaying game set against the backdrop of medieval times, where
players take on roles as characters driven by convictions to navigate through a dangerous world
filled with deals in dark alleys and haunted forests. The setting features remnants from a long-
forgotten past that promise wealth for those willing to venture into their depths but doom otherwise
while navigating treacherous terrain dotted with supernatural powers waiting to be awakened, all set
against the backdrop of an endless sea stretching out as far horizons on either side as your
imagination can take you. In this game system, players create characters and make decisions based
solely upon conviction without worrying about consequences or setting in stone what should happen
laterally through "action" loops that allow for improvisation while always keeping gameplay fresh
with the addition of Edge-Sets (which are dice rolled to determine if an edge was earned) on top of
standard hit points.
5.00 (from 6 reviews)