So, you ran into some enemies? You could do what you always did, debate for half an hour and then just throw your plans overboard and run into an attack, OR...
you could listen to the words of SunZi!
故用兵之法,十則圍之,五則攻之,倍則分之,敵則能戰之,少則能守之,不若則能避之- 孙子兵法,謀攻
Don't read Chinese? No worries! This handy checklist in bookmark format let's you decide your course of action for the upcoming encounter!
SunZi's Checklist was submitted to The 4F Tactical Combat Jam - as probably one of the less serious entries, but Hey! we're all having fun!
And always remember, you have the option to just run away! SunZi themself says so!
For more military and strategic advice, visit SunZi - Military Strategy Consultant!
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