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Little Shop of Potions
You’re an apprentice alchemist working in a potion shop, brewing up potions for customers. This is a postcard game created for the Wish You Were Here Postcard Jam and Chain Letter Jam. Roll the dice to see if you succeed and write about the results! All you need to play is 2 six-sided dice and a way to write.
5.00 (from 6 reviews)
These games are similar to Little Shop of Potions ...
The Witch's Almanac   - A magical game of solo exploration.
Bad Bad Brew   - Your master is away. Brew the perfect potion or face consequences.
Sweaters by Hedgehog   - A solo journaling game about a little hedgehog person trying to sell your little sweaters in your little village shop.
Pack & Passel   - a solo journaling game for gathering and crafting
Morning Teacraft   - a witch's primer to brewing tea.
Witch You Were Here   - A spell for time travel to more beautiful times.
The Books Were Wrong   - A Solo Sourcebook-Altering Journaling Game
New Heights   - It is time to begin your journey: new skies, new sights, new shapes to see above familiar ground.
Apex Predator   - A Single-Player Monster Hunt
Nor Gloom of Night   - a solo game about delivering mail in the post-apocalypse
Solstice Grounds   - Explore our beautiful, bizarre national park.
Libations.   - A potions supplement for Bastards.
Little Shop of Potions is similar to...
Botanicals   - A short game of brewing potions and flower gathering
Telegraphical   - A solo RPG of telegram delivery that fits on a postcard
Pack & Passel   - a solo journaling game for gathering and crafting
The Alchemist's Handbook - A potion-brewing system for mausritter   - Short supplement that adds an alchemy system to Mausritter
Village Witch Post   - A postcard game for a witch writing letters about her new home.
Find Me There   - Find Lucy before it's too late, you're her only hope.  An investigation game  on a postcard.
The Alchemist and The Merchant (Dungeon World Playbooks)   - Two materials-centric playbooks for Dungeon World
Academy of Divine Sublimation   - An Alchemy Supplement For Troika! Made for #TroikaFest
A visit to Mister Murphy's Magickal Potion Shoppe   - A solo journaling RPG set in a potion shop in the middle of the forest.
Letters in Emerald   - A game of Alchemical Correspondence
Village Witch   - A solo journaling game about a witch finding a home.
I Need Your Strongest Potions   - Play this "game" by getting hydrated
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Summoner (Playbook for 6E)   - Playbook for Jared Sinclair's 6E
The Rebel (Playbook for 6E)   - A playbook for Jared Sinclair's 6E
Weird Science (Playbooks for 6e)   - Two playbooks for Jared Sinclair's 6E
Shapeshifter (Playbook for 6E)   - Playbook for Jared Sinclair's 6E
The Complete Playbook's Handbook   - A Complete Handbook of Playbook's for Jared Sinclair's 6E
The Extra Scoop   - A little sumthin’ to add to Jared Sinclair’s Vanilla Game
6E   - The Sixth Edition, in a way.
6e   - This is what it looks like.
The Witch's Almanac   - A magical game of solo exploration.
FLEE   - Fantasy Location Exploration
Scrapyard Junkbots   - A scrappy arcano-tech RPG about robots in the aftermath of the Arcane Apocalypse.
Heroic Outlaw (6E Class)   - Basically Robin Hood
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Wander and other business card RPGs   - Business Card sized RPGs
Acrostic   - A business card sized character creation game
Adam Bell's Roguelite Challenge Engine   - a game on a business card
Wallet Monsters   - A business card sized monster generator.
Tarot Magic   - A business-card-sized system-agnostic spell generator
One Smol Dungeon   - A business card sized dungeon crawl
crawl space   - a solo business card rpg
PLAYING.DOING.DYING   - TTRPG on a business card.
Hamlet: A one-letter RPG   - One-letter Business Card RPG
bones   - a solo business card ttrpg
game.roleplay()   - A business card-sized RPG written in C++.
The Last Hurrah   - A business card sized game about the "retirement" of a character.
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Wise Women   - A ttrpg about witches using plant magic to protect their community, while having to navigate its prejudices and taboos.
Village Witch   - A solo journaling game about a witch finding a home.
The perpetual broth   - A short adventure Pop-Up zine for DURF
Spellbook   - A solo journaling game about a Spellbook and its Witches, based on the Lost & Found SRD
A Visit To San Sibilia   - A solo journaling game about visiting an ever changing city
Unincorporated   - A game of petty small-town drama
We Used to Be Friends - Ashcan version   - A collaborative teenage detective drama game.
Are My Wings Even?   - A game of magic, dressup, and repressed teenage feelings.
The Lighthouse At The Edge Of The Universe   - you are the current lighthouse keeper in the lighthouse in space
Cantrip   - In which young witches get into immense trouble every single day of their lives.
Session Zero   - A deck based character creation game.
Princess with a Cursed Sword   - A solo journaling game