+ This expansion to the cyberpunk-inspired game Boy Problems Side will offer new jobs for
your crew with expanded character customization. There is also an all-new creative team working on
this, inspired by zines and a storyline tied together from different inspirations of Cyber Punk art
styles such as Canada's own Carly Rae Jeppsen exhibitions featuring her music quotes in the opening
sequence + The expansion offers new mechanics for your crew to work with; there are three brand
new heists that tie these ideas together. It also introduces an all-new creative team and explores
even deeper into the world of Cyberpunk art styles, such as inspirations from Canada's own Carly Rae
Jeppsen exhibitions featuring her music quotes in the opening sequence + The expansion offers a
unique twist on Boy Problems' cyberpunky style with new visual designs inspired by zines. It also
adds an all-new creative team to bring their ideas into fruition and offer even more intrigue for
fans of this game genre
5.00 (from 9 reviews)