
An AI-Powered Search and Recommendation Engine for RPGs

Can your ODD self blend in with the rest of "normal" society for long enough to accomplish your ODD goal?  Requires 2+ players with one in the role of GM. An ODD micro RPG system created for the Pleasure, Not Business Card Jam
5.00 (from 4 reviews)
These games are similar to ODD ONE OUT ...
TATTOO   - An RPG, a party game, & a hack of Taboo. (Yes, that Taboo.)
5-min-machine   - a micro solo rpg
Heart Shaped Blades   - A 1 player micro-RPG about queer love and fighting back
Inventing Incantations: A How-to Guide for the Modern Spellcaster   - a solo, micro-rpg / how-to guide
Into the Depths   - An Into the Odd Hack
HARROWING   - Micro-RPG about a group of people having a really bad day.
The Positronic Library   - A library dungeon for Into The Odd.
Wanderlust & Sanctuary   - A travel and rest module for TTRPGs
Duty Hare!   - A weird little OSR game of doing odd jobs for strange people.
Into the Odd Character Sheet   - Unofficial character sheet for the Into the Odd RPG
Wallet Monsters   - A business card sized monster generator.
You Are an Unfinished Thing   - A solo micro-RPG about becoming whole
ODD ONE OUT is similar to...
You Are Now A Part Of The Beast   - A micro-rpg about being
Into the Chrome   - Un hack cyberpunk de Into the Odd
The Halogenic Cocoon   - An adventure for Into the Odd
TATTOO   - An RPG, a party game, & a hack of Taboo. (Yes, that Taboo.)
You Are an Unfinished Thing   - A solo micro-RPG about becoming whole
5-min-machine   - a micro solo rpg
Into the Depths   - An Into the Odd Hack
Gambit Crew   - Adventure awaits! A business-card-sized, card-themed TTRPG.
Runt Tabletop Roleplaying System   - An ultra-light RPG system for 2+ players requiring no cards or dice - just some friends and a little imagination.
Degrees   - A pocket-sized RPG about freezing to death with your friends.
Nowhere Kingdom   - A tabletop party game about a country run by demons. Playable at a private table or in front of an audience!
Critterforce 5   - A Breathless Rodents-of-Fortune Role-Playing Game
If you like Nude on A Yellow Sofa check out...
it's been a long, long time   - a two-player game about a reunion.
Babel   - A journaling game of language and reality
For the Queers   - A Descended from the Queen game that focuses on queer relationship dynamics
The Story of a Story   - A Lost and Found solo journaling game, where you play a story as you journey from inception to transformation.
Eyes on the Prize   - A fake marriage TTRPG for 2 or 4 players
Eternal Beginnings   - A storytelling game about the mundane life of an immortal person
Matelotage   - A queer storytelling game where you play as pirates traversing the turbulent seas of romance
Into the Woods...   - A solo role-playing game
say what you mean   - a two-player letter-writing game about fraught wizards.
VERY BIG PUPPY   - a role-playing game
Our Love Can't Save The World   - 2-Player RPG where you can save either your relationship or the world.
GROK?!   - An adventure role-playing game
If you like Viridia's Garden check out...
Mainframe   - A Cyberpunk Tunnel Goons Hack
Loot Goons   - A Tetris-inspired Tunnel Goons-y dungeon crawler
The Small Old Kingdom of Somnaire   - System-free pocket zine setting about a strange, mostly dead country
Magic Goons   - Magic for Tunnel Goons
psychopomps   - a Tunnel Goons hack for the hereafter
Christmas Goons   - A Tunnel Goons adventure
Lair of the Gobbler   - A dungeon for low Hit Die adventurers (1-2 HD)
Sargolis   - A Tunnel Goons Variant And Adventure
Tunnel Goonies   - Tunnel Goons hack for 80s kids adventure in business card form
In the Shadow of Tower Silveraxe   - Fantasy Roleplaying Adventure Module
Lords of Mars   - A tabletop RPG set in the world of Barsoom. Based on Nate Treme's Tunnel Goons.
Dead Mall -Survival Horror in an Abandoned Mall   - A Tunnel Goons Hack
If you like The Variable Engine check out...
In The Deep, Deep River   - A game about our inner fears and about the things we've left behind.
Upper Heleng   - A forest with god-guarded borders. System-neutral RPG adventure setting, inspired by Southeast Asia.
Kraching   - A valley where cats are holy, and timber haunted. System-neutral RPG adventure setting, inspired by Southeast Asia.
Andjang   - A highland kingdom ruled by parasitic royalty. System-neutral RPG adventure setting, inspired by Southeast Asia.
Turo-Turo   - A solo journaling game about analog food in a digital future.
White Box Backlog (BUNDLE)   - Swords and Wizardry Whitebox supplements
Recluse   - A solo rpg engine
Korvu   - A maritime nation of teak knights and living ships. System-neutral RPG adventure setting, inspired by Southeast Asia.
Stray Virassa   - An island full of shipwrecked souls. System-neutral RPG adventure setting, inspired by Southeast Asia.
Hundred Red Scales   - An archipelago of silent lizards and lurid textiles. System-neutral RPG adventure setting, inspired by Southeast Asia.
Iron Edda Reforged: Season One - Jotunheim   - Ragnarok is coming, and it's you
Schema   - A rules engine for tabletop roleplaying.