The Stratometashop
est. 3016fine games, dry ghosts, psychopomps, and polychrome art a specialtyLuka Rejec proprietor
MagitecnicaThe Use and Misuse of Powers Great and Smallpowers! wizard shiptowers! corruptions!
Magitecnica Codex 1 - DigitalMagitecnica - Deadwood Edition (at Exalted Funeral)
being a concise magic system for the synthetic dream machine.---//---
Synthetic Dream Machine
a psychedelic roleplaying game with dice and a referee.
Eternal Return Key - CHROMADEMON $6.99 and full of art
E.R.K. - BAREGHOST $0.00 and free of art
formerly known as S.E.A.C.A.T.
Ultraviolet Grasslands and the Black City - SECOND EDITION a strange long trip into the utter west beyond time and space
UVG 2E hardcover - Available Now At Exalted FuneralUVG 2E digital - Right Here on Itchy!
www.syntheticdreammachine.comgame rules, character generators, and the very hard sell
Stratometaship Patreonsupport the artist, see works in progress, marvel at