The story follows Pie, an enigmatic protagonist who has long been searching for answers about his
past through mysterious music he hears in rural Appalachia that seem to hint at a parallel world.
The soundtrack features various songs from the region's rich history such as folk tunes and
spirituals inspired by Limi'nah Horror and Maize Rats. As part of this story, Pie embarks on an
adventure with friends who share his love for music while trying out new spells he has learned in
magical woods that are said to exist somewhere within rural Appalachia (a region where magic is more
common). The game begins when they hear the first track from a mysterious record store and become
obsessed by its hypnotic melodies. This all happens before Pie's encounter with his past self, which
leads him on an exciting journey through time as he tries out different versions of himself in
parallel worlds while struggling to escape prison camps that hold those who have escaped their place
in society or committed crimes against the state (the same story we've seen countless times). The
game is inspired by various elements from Appalachian folk tales and legends, including a legendary
songwriter named "Wicked John" with whom Pie meets on his journey.
5.00 (from 4 reviews)