This handbook is written to provide players with quick references on Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 4th
Edition, including combat tests, turn count requirements, movement mechanics (using a "move"
action), and weapon size limitations for mounted combatants fighting against dragons in the Children
of The Horned Rat source book. It also covers advantages/disadvantages affecting battle outcomes
when engaging enemies such as elemental resistance or dragon breath attacks that damage both
characters equally but have different effects on armor classes, an example from Dragonlance:
- Advantage: Attacks by a dragon are made with full effectiveness against all creatures and objects
in the area of its fire. This advantage does not apply to combat between dragons themselves unless
they use weapons other than natural melee weapon attacks or spells that manipulate damage dealt
(such as "fire" for draconic magic). Disadvantages such as fumbles, curses affecting spellcasters'
abilities, armor class changes due to a dragon's breath attack being treated differently from
another kind of elemental-based ability are also covered. - Basic Combat: A basic combat
round is equal in length and involves rolling dice before moving any number of steps (not exceeding
the character's speed) around one hexagonal area or up, down, left, right, diagonal within it that
represents a
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